Who am I? Am I who I think I am? Or am i just my identity? A bunch of beliefs which I believed I am? Am I who my parents said i am? Society? the media?
We are who we think we are, because that’s who we think we are. The operative word here is “think.” Since beliefs are thoughts we keep thinking, and whatever we give our truth to is our truth, then honestly, yes, we are who we think we are. From that point of view.
But do I know who I am? Not stuff I think I know. Stuff i Know. About my Self. About the truth that exists beyond thought, and thus we can’t actually think about it because when we do, it becomes yet another belief, a thought, a something other than what it started out to be.
Yes, we talk about inner knowing, just like we talk about things like fun, and although talk is fun, and often useful, at the essence, it’s meaningless. It’s what we Know from experience, the stuff we can only try to talk about, that is who we Are. One of my teachers uses this example: You can read about France. You can see movies about France. You can learn French. You can talk to people who have been to France. You may think you really know and understand a trip to France, but until you actually go, it’s just talk. Belief. The “reality” is France.
You are France. Your big S self is France. I love France. France is fun. Let’s go to France. Right now. Without bags.