Saturday, September 21, 2013


We love looking at patterns. Anything from tie-dye to the ocean waves to the petals on flowers. We buy ant farms so we can watch the patterns of movement. We listen for themes in music. We experience flavor profiles. We feel the nap of velvet. We smell winter, spring, summer, fall. And even though we may not enjoy or resonate with all these patterns that we are constantly processing, we continue to observe, digest, experience.

So why do we resist looking at our own patterns? Why do we take them so personally? Can we not look at a habit with the same dispassion that we look at a cornfield? Or smell rain?

Perhaps we can practice vairagya, "dispassion"/neutrality/not taking it personally as we view the patterns around us. Practice so that eventually we can look at our own with the same non-attachment.

A pattern is a pattern is a pattern....

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