Tuesday, January 31, 2017


It seems like many of us love to find loopholes. Some of us actually make it our business. The more loopholes, the better. The more loopholes, the more we can get away with.

Have we thought that as we strengthen the consciousness around loopholes, we may be weakening the fabric of that which contains the hole? Kind of like a hole in a sweater that keeps getting bigger and bigger. At what point do we no longer have a sweater we can wear? And if we don't respect the sweater in the first place, then why not get honest faster and find another one instead of slowly ripping the old one? Unless poking holes is a bubble-wrap thing. Then I get it. It's just for fun. And I'm not saying 'No" to holes. I like my sweaters to have some holes. Then the sweater is breathable. But I still want them to be able to keep me warm.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

This isn't helping

In response to yesterday's blog about everything being fake news, I got a message from a person who I respect. This person said, "This isn't helping. Please never forward any of these to me again on this service."

"This isn't helping."


What IS helping? I honestly don't have the answers.

What I know:
If you feed the beast, it will grow.
What beast do we want to feed?

I don't have answers, but I have questions:
By not feeding the beast, will it die and go away?
By choosing a side, are we helping?

I'm not really an expert on much. I'm just a person working it out here on planet paradise with everyone else. Tell me what will help. Is there a universal salve that will help?

I've thought about this, and in the current climate, I will most likely continue to explore the parts of me that are marching, polarizing, separating. The parts of me that don't want to hear what the other side is saying. The parts of me that want it to be my way or the highway. The parts of me that just want things to be easy "again." Whatever that means in the present. Cuz from where I sit now, there's not a lot of present moment in any of those statements.

So what helps? I don't know if I have a universal answer. Clearly, as pointed out to me by my friend. What I choose to do is keep testing the teachings and see how they hold up. Keep testing the teachings and see how I hold up. Testing, not because I want to find fault, but because I seek Truth. Truth that is not about politics, opinions, circumstances. Truth that is timeless. As Pandit Rajmani Tigunait of the Himalayan Institute says (paraphrasing), "History and politics rise and fall. Focus on the teachings that are timeless." (he said it way more eloquently than that paraphrase).

So no matter what side I find myself on, I'm still moving towards the center. And doing what I need to do in the present so I don't wake up with regret. So onward we march, hopefully listening to our internal Beat. Our internal Voice of Truth. And if we can't hear it, we keep marching until we can.

And person I respect, if you get this, no disrespect intended. Thank you for your response. It actually did help. And feel free to block me or delete me from Google+.

Monday, January 23, 2017

It's All Fake News

News Flash!


Basically anyone reporting on anything is going to be reported through the lens of the reporter. It goes back to the Jeanism - "how fuzzy is your fuzz box?" The fuzzier the distortion pedal, the more altered the signal. The fuzzier the reporter, or the reader of the report, the fake-er the news.

This is also tantamount to busting such myths as "fairness" and "truth." I mean come on people! The reason things aren't "fair" is because "fair" is just one person's idea! There is no agreed upon "fair." And truth?  Most of truth is opinion. And we are back to fake news.

It's fake when we need it to be and truth when we need it to be.
Just sayin.....

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Get honest faster

This is my new hashtag slash motto slash tagline slash mantra.

Get honest faster. Stop fucking around with yourself (unless you like to) and get honest faster. Start with yourself. Seriously. This may not be the time to dump all that latent anger or dissatisfaction with your life on the person or situation you feel justified in blaming. Begin with your Self, get some chops, then try it outside of yourself. (but it's never outside of yourself! Gak!)

Here are 2 starter steps:

1) Get Honest with Feelings
How am I feeling?
How am I really feeling?
If I don't know, am I willing to know?
What is the feeling I'm afraid to admit that I'm feeling - could it be that?

2) What About Actions
What do I want to do?
Am I doing it? (if the answer is yes, go no further. pat yourself on the back. enjoy your day.)
Why not?
What am I actually doing?
Admit that you are doing it out of choice, stop beating yourself up,  and get on with your life. If you don't like it, go back to #1.

More on this honesty business to come.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Roll with it? or Roll over?

Attack? Retreat? Or roll with the punches? Just because we may decide to "roll with it," doesn't mean we have to roll over. It means that we are moving from our center line, staying true to ourselves, acting from a deep integrity of Knowingness, not the one that externally based in "right/wrong/fair/just." 

Part of what we learn in yoga/life, is how to be flexible, how to roll, without breaking our own sense of deep integrity and truth. So if you feel like crap after you did a day of "rolling with it," maybe you were really just "rolling over." 

The question is - how do we know the difference? We feel a flow and ease in the midst of what may have been a struggle. We aren't clamping down, holding on, grasping for outcomes. We know what we can control (that would be ourselves, our minds, our actions, our thoughts), and what we can't control (pretty much everything else). We are willing to put out the effort to stay true without attachment to others "getting" us. And at the end of the day, we don't feel quite as beat up, spent. We don't regret our choices or our actions. We may be tired, but we feel good about ourselves, because we were ourselves. 

How do we get so we know the difference between rolling over and rolling with it? Practice. Awareness. Curiosity. Non-judgement. Be willing to "not know" yourself into "Knowingness." Get honest faster. And just roll with it. Without getting steam rolled. Or make a big snowman and lay on the snowball. Because you can. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

It takes a village - build a snowman

Now is the time for all good cheerleaders to come to their senses! That includes me! Yay team! What are we cheering for? The Big S Self! Remembering who you really are! And discovering what YOUR perfect steps are. The path that's right for you. The breath that's right for you. And the cheerleading part? Well, it takes a village. We truly are all in this together, no matter how separate and disjointed we may feel - whether that separation is experienced in feeling disconnected with one's Self, Body, Mind, or that separation is experienced more socially, politically, economically.

A few days ago, a friend said, "The snow is perfect for building a snowman! Now is the time!" So change of plans. And we built the biggest snowman I've ever been a part of. Why? Because there were 3 of us to start, and more joined in. And the result? A snowman that was beyond the capabilities of a single person.

We are not alone. So let's build a helluva snowman together this 2017! We may not know what it's going to look like, we just know that it will Be.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year - Starting Again in 2017

Happy New Year to All! Let's party!

2016 was chock full of, well, everything! Ups, downs, surprises, and it seemed to just go on and on and on and on... Like that relentless To Do list that never ends. Just when 3 things were crossed off, 4 more were added.  For many, this continued up until the stroke of midnight.

From a numerological point of view, 2016 was a "9" year (2+1+6=9), and 9s are years of completion. The end of a 9 year cycle before we start over with 10 (or back to 1).  To me, it felt similar to when some of us get ready to go on a trip - we try to get all those loose ends tied up before we go, and just when we think we are about ready to go, we get a flat tire or have to take the dog to the vet! That was 2016. Completing what ever it was that we were doing for the last 9 years. Time to celebrate! We did that!

That makes 2017 a "10" or as we say in the filming business "back to 1." So we begin again. Fresh start. For some, this feels like freedom. For others, very ungrounding. Things to pay attention to - what is it we really want (if anything).  So in this season of "New Years Resolutions," this would be a year to pay closer attention to big picture goals/intentions as we are setting the stage for another 9 years.

The upside of a clean slate, is that it's clean. A blank canvas. Nothing on it. Spacious. The downside of a clean slate is that it's clean. A blank canvas. Nothing on it. Spacious. And nature abhors a vacuum, so if you don't fill it consciously, eventually your unconscious, or the collective consciousness will fill it for you.

So if you don't know what you intentions for the next cycle are, take a moment and feel what it is you truly want more of, and fill it with that. At least until you get clearer as you set your stage for your next act.

So if you aren't clear, maybe take the first couple weeks to let some of the dust settle, take stock, go deep, and see what you really want to commit to for yourself, your transformation, your journey. What tools would be useful? What inspires you? What are you willing to do differently?

And if you want to go deeper with this, join me on Jan 15 for the Win-Win in the New Year workshop. I usually refrain from workshop promo in the blog form, it's just that it feels like the Jan 15, 2017 (which is a "8" - balance, power, and if you put the 8 on it's side, the Infinite) is going to be really important. No pressure! And of course, let's just drop our expectations to the ground and we'll all be ok...

And don't forget to Celebrate your Self today! It's a New Day! A New Year!  Party on! etc...
more elipses and exclamation marks please...