Friday, August 28, 2015


Spontaneity. For years, I've been drawing an "angel card" at midnight every New Years and on that card is a word and an angel to go with it. I say a little prayer if sorts and that becomes a theme, a teaching, something to pay attention to. When I drew "spontaneity," I thought , "that sounds fun! More spontaneous trips to the beach perhaps?" And then the year goes on, and the card gets forgotten. Until you see it. And there it was. And I realized a new level of this teaching. 

Spontaneity is listening and acting on that inner voice of truth, aka your "Dhi." It's following that voice, that feeling of knowingness, whether it be "get out of bed now," "drink water," "call your mother," "buy that plane ticket," or any number of big/little things. Last week I had a couple of moments that were "Dhi-liscious," and I paused a bit too long before acting. When I returned, the moment was gone. And so was my Air BnB. Of course it's all prefect. It inspired this blog, and inspired and reminded me to listen and ACT when action is what's up. To trust my Self. To not fear acting upon Knowingness. 

Spontanei-dhi it is!

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