Sunday, November 9, 2014

Do Less. Relax More.

Yes. I'm back on that train again. If you want to work hard, work hard at doing less and relaxing more without guilt or fear.

From a physiology point of view, in order for us to digest, assimilate and absorb nutrients, the more relaxed we are, the more we can get that job done. If we want to experience a state of steadiness, stability, and the joy that comes from a place where fear isn't driving the bus of you, start by digesting our physical food as optimally as possible. If we can at least wrap our brain around the benefits of relaxing in that capacity, it might make a nice bridge to embracing the benefits and by products that come with living from a relaxed point of view.

When we are relaxed, we are more apt to see a bigger picture. We are more apt to make a clearer decision. We are more in tune with "the right amount for me." We are more able to hear and respond to our inner Voice of Truth. And there is no guilt or fear in that Voice. Just our Truth.

So if we are "relaxing" and feeling guilty, are we really relaxing? It could take some practice, but the benefits are well worth the "effort" to learn effortlessness.

Yep. It's a can of worms. And it's open.
Enjoy your lunch.


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