So this is for the children of mothers on Mother's Day. Lower your expectations of your mother. She did the job that gave you life. For those 9 months, we ran her show, we were her body, her mind. Her world was our world.
Now we are adults. Are we still looking to our mothers for life support? For sustanence? For approval? For anything? During those 9 months in the womb, we got into the habit of depending, expecting, counting on life support from the outside- from our mothers. We forgot that in the very beginning, before we attached to the wall via the umbilical cord, we had a yolk sac and we actually fed ourselves. During that time, we didn't eat what our mothers ate. We took care of ourselves.
Many of us forgot this after we attached to the uterine wall and took over the body of our host. As we grew up, we continued to expect things from our mothers- behaviors, food, money, comfort, approval, safety, etc... Maybe it's time to remember that we can look to ourselves for these things and stop expecting them to magically come from mothers or mother figures to fill our needs.
Thanks mom, for continuing to mother me past my time. Maybe our gift to our mothers is their independence. We will no longer suck you dry with expecting you to fill our every physical and emotional need. We will grow up and free your psychic space. We will stand on our own two feet in gratitude for this gift of life that we will not squander. We will lower our expectations of you so we can love and see you as a regular person and bestow the courtesies we share with strangers. And maybe we will take care of you for a change. Not because we have to, or because it's our duty, or a karmic debt. But because, as we drop our expectations, we see you as a fellow human who is just trying to figure it out like the rest of us.
I love you Mom. Thanks for the whole bloomin thang that it my life. I wouldn't be me without you.
Love true