Sunday, August 7, 2016

Forest through the trees

If we are the tree that falls in the forest, can we hear ourself fall? 
It's not the material, but the experience of the material. 
What is the experience from the other trees point of view?
Can we hear the forest as a tree?
Can we see the forest as a tree?

The bigger the forest, the smaller the tree may seem, yet to the falling tree, it's probably huge. We are all specks that pack a whallop. Unless we are looking at ourselves from space. Then that big fall virtually never happened. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Stillness is

Stillness is stillness. Nothing more, nothing less. Stillness may or may not take you to the center of your Self, but it probably won't hurt. 

Don't turn stillness into an opportunity to nit-pick yourself. Don't turn stillness into an opportunity to find something that you think needs fixing or changing. Just enjoy it for what it is- stillness. And if you don't enjoy stillness, fair enough. If you want to enjoy stillness, practice. Small bits at a time. But stillness for what it is. 
Just stillness.